The nature of sending messages to hundreds of people
as you can well imagine, my friend
is that some people simply don’t want to
Or aren’t ready to hear and accept what you’ve got to say
Every day people ‘Unfollow’ me on Instagram
Every day people ‘Unfriend’ me on Fakebook
And just yesterday, someone ‘unsubscribed’ from these messages
He was kind enough to take the option of letting me know why
Simply putting ‘No Time To Read All That :)’….
The smiley face was my favourite part
Crucial Crucial Lesson for you here grasshopper
in 2020 – with it all happening
it’s VERY easy to fall into the trap of Believing
that you don’t have the time
….For anything – let alone improving your body and health
You’re pissing away HOURS a week on your phone
….. Hours
How do I know?
Very simple
I’m exactly the same
and I used to be way worse
until I consciously tried to get on top of it
I Caught myself all the time opening social media
when I knew I could have been doing something else
something that actually improved my life
instead of just making me feel worse like an hour on Facebook would
So my top top top tip for you today is my man
Catch yourself wasting time
Check yourself
you’ll do it once, twice… a hundred times
but keep checking yourself
and trying to take some action on things that actually help you get to where you want to be
which is of course
if you want to get to a great body that makes you feel good and gives you confidence
getting moving and working out
If you want any. help with that
and you need coaching from someone who’s been there and done it countless times
with men just like yourself
Just reply to this email with ‘WOLF’ as the subject line and I’ll get you the details