One thing that will stop you getting results faster than you can say Quiditch
One thing that can be REALLY detrimental to your results… across the board….is having a mindset that holds you back right from the day 1
And lets be honest
day 1 for most of us, a lot of the time
is Monday, because often, we didn’t do as well as we could over the weekend
me as well, this weekend I ate poorly and didn’t MOVE as much as usual, familiar?
So Monday represents a clean slate and a fresh(ish) start for me and you
And Above all
It’s an opportunity to get a new habit going in your life
habits, by the way, will let you be successful without it feeling like a mission all the time
like brushing your teeth, it’s not a chore it’s just something you do… hopefully
The Problem with all this?
Your so caught up with the ‘oh **** it’s Monday again’ crew (fuck those guys)
that the chance is passing you by time and again
Monday is a great thing, not the end of the world
and if it honestly feels like it’s a DISASTER when Monday comes around
Your in the wrong game chap
So what’s your habit for this week?
@ WOLF I have a daily task for my crew
just sweat every day
I don’t care how that comes about *cough cough*
just work up a sweat every day
Or start eating breakfast
Or start having a green tea every day
Hardly things that are going to wreck your perfectly planned schedule my man
Get started on 1 (NOT ALL) of those
and see how you go
Hope I don’t need to bore you with the benefits of those habits
but they are all potential life changers
Hit me if you’ve got a question
Or, if your ready to step up into the game and level up big style, go here to apply for a free trial week with us –