Hey, I know it’s only Tuesday and all that
and the weekend feels pretty far away right now
but i just got done and dusted with one of the wolf pack who is off to Greece for 2 weeks on holiday
after losing more than 3 stone in the last few months, he’s absolutely flying and feeling great
feeling WAY better about his body and confident about rocking his t shirts abroad
Hey, I know it’s only Tuesday and all that, and the weekend feels pretty far away right now doesn’t it just?
but i just got done and dusted with one of the wolf pack who is off to Greece for 2 weeks on holiday
after losing more than 3 stone of FAT in the last few months, MATT is absolutely flying and feeling great
He’s feeling WAY better about his body and confident about rocking his t shirts abroad, NOT feeling self conscious and worried about what other people think
so naturally I wanted to ask him how he did it so he can help you out as well
because you see, I give hundreds of people like yourself great advice every single day
but only SOME of them actually get the results we are all after
Know what he said?
and he followed it up with this kick in the nut sack
and it’s so true because these days, I know your working so hard at work
and your under stress
with your job, your commitments, your Mrs etc, I Get It!
So by the time the weekend comes it’s easy to let it all go, The diet the workouts the LOT
and often, your sabotaging all your good work Friday night through Sunday
Now look
There isn’t a secret to staying on track over the weekend
You just need to be aware that those days are where you make your money
and those weekends are separating you from frustration with your body
to losing fat easily and getting results week after week
bare that little gem in mind as we march onwards towards Friday
Have a top week
want to know more, check this out – https://www.wayoflifefitness.co.uk