What’s up mate
You may… or may not have noticed That I haven’t exactly been blowing up my blog lately
You could even say I’ve been ‘quiet’
And you see the thing is this
We only get a certain amount of ‘power’ during the day to do things
Go to work, look after the kids, go to the gym, go out for a jog, eat well
You know, things that take some input from yourself
And this power you have is precious, it’s given every day in exchange for getting things done
And you only get more when you rest, sleep and relax
So if truth be told
Instead of writing these emails
I’ve been giving more and more of my power away to my wolf pack
Helping them with getting healthy, looking better and feeling just a bit better than they did last week
I guess most people would just call it ‘being busy’
What I want you to consider is
Where in your life are you spending the most power ? (Work?)
Now – could you save some of that power, that time, that motivation
And put it into yourself instead?
In the way of getting in great shape
Have a think about that one For me
Steve the WOLF