Way Back in the day when I first started out
I had nearly everyone I worked with train with me 2x Per week
That’s 2 visits to the gym a week my friend
But as the times gone on and I’ve got a little bit longer in the tooth I’ve realised a few things about this ‘formula’
1. Life WILL come up and you will need to miss workouts every now and again
2. You NEED to be active around the weekends so you stay motivated and don’t chuck all your good Monday to Friday work In the bin
3. You will get better results and stay more focused the more times you workout up to a certain point
So now
When I talk to yourself
and when I have someone new in front of me
I just kick it really honest (you know me)
To Really turn your body around and Start getting compliments from all your friends and co workers
You need to be putting in 3x a week, at least after a while or after you’ve gotten what you can out of 2x a week
THE Truth – I used to think people were to busy to get to he gym 3x a week and I didn’t want to ask it of them
But now – I’m harder on my wolf pack and I’m harder on you
because you should be demanding that of yourself
And if you really can’t ‘Workout’ 3x a week
Get a hobby like jogging that lets you add extra to your week without it feeling like THE GRIND
I guess my advice for you would be
Create a lifestyle and change as a person so that working out 2x a week becomes just something you do like a religion
Then, When you can – kick it up to 3x and get whatever results you want
Have a great day
Ps- WHENEVER YOU’RE READY… here are 3 ways I can help you
1- Go over to Facebook, add me as a friend and watch my live videos
I’ll tell you exactly how I helped so many men to lose weight and shape up – they’ll also provide you a big dose of motivation as well
click here:
2- Join our WOLF pack and take a free trial
Every month I open up the opportunity to work with me @ our private studio in Saffron Walden
If you’d like to be coached and trained by me – this is how you can take the first step and take a test drive
Click here – https://wolfitness.wufoo.com/forms/z1iyi50h0y7412p/
3- Get the formula
I’ve created a list of 24 golden rules that are a 100% shortcut to success
Get it , PRINT it out and live by it if you want to see your life change across the board
Get that here – https://wolfitness.lpages.co/24goldenrules/
ALL for free…