Dealing with tough weekends - Wolf

Dealing with tough weekends

Hope your enjoying a simply STUNNING weekend mate

What have you been up to ?

Got to admit, I’ve had a pretty relaxing one

So relaxing in fact

that the thought of WORK tomorrow, and getting back into fitness

is actually pretty horrible and daunting

Know what I mean?

When you’ve relaxed all the way from work, forgotten any ‘diet’ you had going

But you know tomorrow it’s time to get back on it

It’s a bit of a mistake (one I’ve made this weekend as well)

But I want to show you how to salvage it tomorrow

It starts right now

With not panicking and remembering that it’s only a couple of days that you might have slipped up

And, obviously

you need to get your times in for workouts this week…

Locked into your diary and non negotiable

The other thing

Massively important

Remember your targets, remember what you want to achieve this week

Remember your 90 day targets

Don’t have anything your working towards right now?

No worries, I never used to either

Until I started setting measurable, trackable 30 and 90 day results to work towards

and doing the same with the wolf pack

It’s 100% enhanced results and given accountability so that we can’t drift and so that are workouts have focus

and don’t become just another ‘down the gym’ session

So even if you don’t work with me ever

and you just want to feel a bit better and lose some of your belly

what’s the things you can tick off next week in order to get a bit closer to that ?

2 runs of 15 minutes or more? 2 Home workouts of 30 mins +? Clean the cupboards out of all junk food?

Or best

Get in for a free 30 minute coaching session with me (not a workout, remember)

Go here to do it –


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