'Do You Sell Sessions Mate?' - Wolf

‘Do You Sell Sessions Mate?’

This is something I get asked on a regular basis

and I bet you’ve even considered getting some ‘sessions’ with a pt before as well – even if it wasn’t the WOLF

And you see my man, when it comes to 2019… I want you to feel a little bit deeper than ‘sessions’ if you may

I think my WOLF pack member Matt summed it up best with this bad boy of a comment

‘I’d not done ANY exercise in 20 years and was a middle-aged mess prior to approaching WOLF. At that time I was fat (obese), boozing too much and obsessed with eating. Having hit my lowest point as a ‘heart attack waiting to happen’ I stumbled across Steve’s website. Its message spoke to me. 1:1 training, weights based, tailored programme.
It has utterly transformed every aspect of my life for the better since I joined just over a year ago. You have to be committed but what you get back in terms of life enhancement is worth every penny. In a year I have lost over two stone and my energy levels, strength and general well being is higher than it has ever been. Steve offers all new clients a free taster session. I’d say to anyone give it a go, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain.’

what us coaches are selling – and notice I’m not just bigging myself up here…. is SOLUTIONS and RESULTS… not sessions

sessions is just a tool, a vehicle if you may be so kind

it’s solutions like 2 stone of weight loss, avoiding a bad heart and having a run around with your kids and grandkids that we are really helping people with

so I guess my little tip for you today is

Don’t get caught up on sessions

even if you work out on your own

don’t just think of it as a visit to the gym

it’s an investment, a solution… a result producer

this mindset is the secret to that motivation thing you keep banging on about

Have a great weekend


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