Want to know the missing ingredient to massive results ?
It sure as heck isn’t a ‘meal plan’ by the way
Because let’s be honest, you’ve known how to eat healthily for the last 10 years you just never bothered starting
No, the real secret is being completely fed up of your current state
Only that, will give you the motivation to stick to just about Anything
Think about it
If your lower back ‘went’ and the pain was TERRIBLE
Would it even matter how ‘boring’ my rehab program was if you KNEW it would take you out of pain?
So when you see someone who’s lost 5 stone of blubber
Or someone who’s worked out 3x a week for the last 10 years and has a great body
And you think… how do they stay motivated ? it starts with being so sick and fed up of where you are right now
That taking he action required is actually less bad than staying stuck where you are
That breeds results, and then you can cement your habits
Like a local council cements pot holes
But just like those damn potty’s
A bad habit CAN come back
But that’s for another day
Have a fantastic one and if you want to try a completely free WEEK working with me
So I can show you the next step
Just apply on my NEW form
That’s here – https://wolfitness.wufoo.com/forms/z1iyi50h0y7412p/
Steve the WOLF