How Long, Bro? - Wolf

How Long, Bro?

One of my favourite questions to ask men, is:

“How long are you willing to stay stuck where you are right now”

If they’re genuinely fed up…

And at a stage where they’re willing to change?

The answer is normally something like:

“I’m Ready To Start”

Thing is.. SAYING it and DOING it are two very differently things

You see, COMMITMENT isn’t really a word…

It’s an ACTION

And there’s only one way to find out wether you’re actually committed or not

Look at What you DO on a day to day and
Week to Week basis


If ‘I’m fed up of where I am now and ready to start’

Sounds like something you might say…

I have some good news, amigo

You can take that first step towards dealing with your bullsh*t…

and getting ‘Untstuck’

Right now

well its simple (but crazy powerful)

I’ll give you all of the tools, habits and techniques I personally used to turn my life around

Get in my best shape ever… etc etc

and you’ll work with me personally to ensure that you get GREAT results

sound cool?

want to know more?

just drop me a reply to this email with the subject line “WOLF’

and I’ll send you ALL of the details


PS – If you’re NOT willing to change…

Or take your game to a new level

that’s entirely your choice my man

PPS – If it’s still not for you yet Here is 3 ways I can help you out right now for FREE

1- Get More From Me

Have a look here at some of the results we’ve achieved with men just like yourself Then – grab our 24 golden rules for success from the top of the page, it’s a FREE gift from me to you:

Here – WOLF

And Here – Instagram

2 – Transform Your Life

I’ve Created over 200 short, sharp, impactful videos to help you get started and take the next step

They are, of course, 100% free and you can see them all here – Facebook

3. Find Out More

Just reply to this email with ‘WOLF PACK’ and I’ll send you over some more info about what we do and how we can help you to take the next step to a body transformation

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