How Many On This One? - Wolf

How Many On This One?

If I had a grape for every time I heard that?
dude – I’d have opened my own vineyard years ago and Cleaned up!

My next favourite one is
‘What do you think of this routine?
Or ‘This routine’
Or…. This one

Thing is me old mucka
people who obsess over there perfect routine
the perfect diet
how many this or that

they usually have one thing in common
they love to TALK
and then take F*** all action on any of It
sorry if that hurt any feelings

Thing is
In this game
it’s hardly an exact science

is 8 reps better than 10?
Well heck if I know mate,
that depends on a million things which can’t be put on a bit of paper

are free weights better than machines…. Yes they are
but it doesn’t mean they are useless

You’ve got to get rid of the black and white mindset
it’s also one of the reasons you can’t ever stick to a plan

because you’re either on it… Focused
100% sticking to it

Or your WAY off it
Eating crap
Feeling low
Doing nothing

No middle ground where you just ‘do ok’ for a while before getting back on it hard

That’s one of the main things we work with our men on

And it’s one of the reasons we’ve produced so many great results this year

Go here to take a look at some of them – Instagram

And – When your finally ready to step up and supercharge your mindset and body

give me a shout


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