Keep Calm And Have An Ice Lolly - Wolf

Keep Calm And Have An Ice Lolly

Lets talk about CRAVINGS my man

you know the worst time for me?
it’s the after dinner window

where your watching TV
you’ve had dinner
you’re supposed to have stopped eating for the day

one problem

you want something sweet
for some reason… I honestly don’t even know why it is

but when you’re tired it’s a lot easier to give in
I mean…. who ever messed up their diet for the day at breakfast
….Right ?

honestly, getting a handle on your evening eating would be a game changer for you
if not now then certainly in the new year
when you want to shed a few pounds

I’ve tried many a different tactic for taming this beast

from just blocking it out (didn’t work)

to drinking water (didn’t work)

to eating dinner later (didn’t work)

so yeah

I’ve been there and done it

and you know the thing I found the best

….getting some sugar free ice lollies …just £1 in ALDI

and sucking on a couple of those bad boys of an evening

sweet cravings…. gone
and zero calories as well
so they WON’T make you fat

game changer, complete game changer

I can see some vegan warrior wearing a pair of sandals shouting ‘CHEMICALS’

well look, maybe some sweetener isn’t perfect for your health (it’s hardly bad)

but you know what’s worse for your health?
being fat

Do you want some more help with this?

I’ve just had 25 copy’s of my new ‘dealing with cravings’ book printed

1 is yours if you want it, I’ll even post it out for free

reply to this email with the word ‘BOOK’ if you want it


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