Real Talk – How Many Days A Week To Workout For MAX Results
I wanted to get down and into a serious business topic today with you.
You might be thinking that how many days a week you work out is hardly life or death and you’d be right, it isn’t!
But knowing the answer to this question will let you make progress with the way your body looks and feels without getting burnt out or feeling like you’re under pressure to be down the gym all the time.
I’ve debated this back and forth in my own head a few times and as you well know by now, nothing is perfect and there’s always a better way.
I didn’t have to look far for answers, only so far as the nearest mirror…
I Hit the gym hard for an hour on Monday and again the same yesterday, I’m sure there was some training over the weekend as well but that now feels 345453 years ago, ant that the truth!
Add to that a busy work week with early starts and guess how I feel right now?
That’s right my friend – Like Shit!
I keep digging myself a hole and chasing my own tail, it’s stupid and avoidable.
It’s time for you to learn from my mistakes and take the better path.
—- 3x A Week —–
3 x a week is where you need to be starting with your weight training
It’s so perfect because it means you’ll nearly always be fully rested for your next session but it’s enough to get you bigger muscles and a stronger body as well.
You CAN do great on 2x a week but great is not always optimal – and for you – A beginner – 3x is optimal.
And oh yea, you can throw your walking, running, cycling, football, golf etc in ON TOP of that.
I still get people thinking a walk into town and back counts as a workout.
It doesn’t and it won’t change you into someone completely different looking like 3 rock solid weight sessions a week will.
3x a week…and give yourself 90 Days to see an incredible result.
We are talking about just over 2 hours a week…. It’s such a small commitment for the massive pay off you get you’ll wonder why everyone isn’t doing it.
Plan… Put forth Effort…Be Consistent…..>>> Enjoy Success.
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