No mater what you do, you just wake up feeling LOW
it sucks and its obviously not good for your results, in fitness or in life
feeling low can easily lead to chucking your plan, missing your sessions and dropping a nuke on your diet
I’ve been there – so many times – and I know how THAT feels
next time you feel like this
Try these 3 steps to get out of the rut
1. State change – DO workout even if it’s for 20 minutes and even if it’s just walking somewhere – it will NEVER make you feel worse and will often improve your mood
2. WIN count – what’s some good things you did in the last 24 hours, or 7 days OR.. What’s some things you’ve achieved in the last month – let me know if you want some examples
3. Phone out – How often do you find yourself TIRED and a bit DOWN at the same time as scrolling through Facebook or Insta – looking at how great everyone else is doing (they get down as well, don’t worry) – stick your mob down and do points 1 and 2 before you pick It up again
So that’s it man
pretty simple stuff right
but it’s important, as it’s Monday to try and get off on the right food
even if you wake up and your not quite ‘feeling it’
which can be disappointing I know
you have the power to change it
For a trial with us @ our studio in Saffron Walden – hit it here and apply – Don’t worry, we will have a 1-1 chat before you start any ‘training’ –
Steve the WOLF