NEVER Go Full Harry Potter - Wolf

NEVER Go Full Harry Potter

Have you ever seen the first Harry Potter film ?

The archaeologists bone or whatever it’s called

Anyhow, in part of that film our old mate Harry
can’t stop staring into this Big, rare mirror that just so happens
to show you exactly what you want staring back at you

he’s quickly warned that looking into it is more addictive than crystal meth
So he stops…..

but he’ll teach you a lesson there

because using the mirror… and the scales
it’s a DECENT way of measuring progress with your fitness

It does have one major draw back though in that
it takes a bit of time to see results

such is the way we’ve evolved as humans
our body would sooner sit around and ‘survive’
than drop loads of fat and tone up

I know… shame isn’t it

and so really, you need a way of seeing progress
and things to aim for
in order for you to stay motivated

What we do with our members at WOLF

is have them focus on increasing there strength in the gym

lifting more reps, weight and with better control over time

and little secret for you

getting in great shape is basically just doing this over and over
then combining that with not eating like an idiot

no seriously, that is pretty much all it is

this way, you have an aim every time you enter the gym

rather than just ‘showing up’ and doing a bit of whatever

So that’s my number 1 tip for you

progress a little every week and whenever you can
never miss a chance to do a bit more and be a bit more

Have a great week and if you want to try a session at WOLF

Let me know if you need anything


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