Once You Know This You Won't Worry About Motivation Anymore - Wolf

Once You Know This You Won’t Worry About Motivation Anymore

One thing I know for a FACT my good man… is this

Most of the time I and Therefor YOU cannot be bothered to workout or do anything more than have a wee cat nap

We wait for motivation, we long for it, we search for it ‘where is that SOB?’

‘How does he stay so motivated?’ you wonder

The thing is – except those rare precious occasions where just like A randy orton RKO motivation appears ‘Outa nowhere’

Most of the time motivation must be created, not found… forged and not given

How did you feel an hour before the last workout you did ? Hardly looking forward to it right? …. but 15 minutes in — you have it

Cast your mind back to writing an assignment… getting motivated to start? Torturous! But after 2 paragraphs — it’s not so bad and your driven

So you see – for most us, before the ‘it’s just a habit’ stage – you must create your own motivation… sorry folks

Pure Motivation…on those RARE occasions you possess it is like lighting your BBQ with petrol – it will get you going quicker than you can say quiditch but it will be burnt off just as fast and you need to be left with something…. in this rather genius BBQ analogy that ‘something’ would be charcoal playing the role of discipline, drive and consistency to get to your goal

So I guess my advice to you on this ‘crisp’ day

^^ Britain – the only country where the word for a baked snack and a type of weather are the same

focus on just starting the project, just taking the ‘first step’ if you so wish to use that term


If I want even more proof of this I just have to look at some of my most successful WOLF pack members

When we started together they wanted to start and they took the first step – after they lost the first half a stone – they were on fire and motivated to finish the job

Your success will breed motivation as well

Go away and do something now


Ps- WHENEVER YOU’RE READY… here are 3 ways I can help you

1- Go over to Facebook, add me as a friend and watch my live videos

I’ll tell you exactly how I helped so many men to lose weight and shape up – they’ll also provide you a big dose of motivation as well

click here:


2- Join our WOLF pack and take a free trial

Every month I open up the opportunity to work with me @ our private studio in Saffron Walden

If you’d like to be coached and trained by me – this is how you can take the first step and take a test drive

Click here – https://wolfitness.wufoo.com/forms/z1iyi50h0y7412p/
3- Find out how to change your life

I’ve created a list of 7 Nasty habits that are sure to be holding you back big style

Get it , Read it and begin changing your life

Get that here –https://wolfitness.lpages.co/7nastyhabbits/

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