See It And Believe It
So like I said to you the other day my good friend
We @ WOLF now help nearly 40 MEN in the Saffron Walden area
We help them with
Raised Confidence
Heightened self esteem
Improved Food choices
Weight LOST
Clothes feeling looser
Happier in themselves
Improving their ability to lead by example
Over come their BS
So why is this ’40’ number such a big deal to me?
Well, back in June – when I was only helping 30 people
I wrote in BIG WRITING on a piece paper
And then STUCK is above my desk
This little piece of paper has had an incredible effect on me
Creating a daily and hourly reminder of what I’m working towards
Reminding me by the hour of the work that still needs to be done
Giving me a constant nudge to provide the best possible service I can
My advice to you is very simple
If you have a goal or a target
Write it down and put it somewhere where you will see it every single day
Fridge door? Anyone?
What’s even better? If OTHER people see it as well
That way
You might get called out as a liar if your not making it happen
Because we both know that you’ve set plenty of goals and resolutions in the past
But how many of them have been realised ? Don’t worry….. I’m exactly the same but this was a game changer for me
Try it and see the results for yourself