I can SO clearly remember my first few sessions with my first few clients
MAN – it’s like it was yesterday
You see.- most trainers do 5 years at a ‘commercial’ to gain experience before they go self employed and set up a little place of their own
but I decided it would be best to go balls deep from the start
And you know what
For the first few sessions I was absolutely cacking my pants about what my clients would think of me
like proper proper worried about what would happen
Funny when I look back really, but at the time… far from a laughing matter.
And at this time of year, it’s easy to feel the same
SCARED – about starting something new
WORRIED – That you’ll fail again
NERVOUS – About what people will think
and to be honest
that was one of the reasons I wanted to start the WOLF and have a little studio like we do
Because I was never that really confident person in the gym either
I was really nervous about starting as well
So I understood thats working out 1-1 or in a small group privately would be great for helping men like yourself to get great results
and if I get could set it up so that it wasn’t to expensive to come OFTEN – We would change lives – and I think we have
Anyway though
All I want you to focus on is realising that anxiety, worry, doubt etc are all FUEL to get you excited
Try and take a step toward the result you want, rather than a step away from the one you don’t want…. get it?
Don’t stay stuck on the sofa my grasshopper