The Real Reason I Go 'Live' On Facebook And How It Can Help You - Wolf

The Real Reason I Go ‘Live’ On Facebook And How It Can Help You

Hey mate, hope your really kicking the ‘hump’ out of ‘humpday’ as your reading this message

Now, about a year ago I decided to make 60 live Facebook videos in 60 days

And after that, I decided to carry on doing them

I did it to get out of my comfort zone, to feel nervous but do that mother anyway, to be so scared what others thought – but follow through anyhow

I guess there is some pretty potent lessons in there for you as is so feel free to RE READ the above and soak a few of them in, I KNOW they can help you get in better shape,

but anyway

Over time

As I STOPPED feeling nervous anymore

As I began to enjoy talking to people and giving out free advice to people

^^ oh yea, don’t ever say I’m on the ‘hard sell’ – I’ve put out HOURS and HOURS of 100% free live video for you to learn from

If you want to catch them you can add me as a friend here –

So as I was saying, the real reason I keep going with the live videos

It helps me do 1 little thing every day that moves me towards my goal, removes anxiety, boosts confidence and makes me feel good

it’s a bit like a workout can be for you, you’ll get ALL of the above from a short workout as well as getting to look better as well

you won’t have to get goofy in front of the camera either

so my challenge to you is

what’s one very small thing you can do every day

to start moving you closer to where you want to be?

once you have it, do it every day, tell people you’ll do it every day so they hold you accountable, HECK – Tell ME if you like

Because success in this game is just collection of little good habits repeated over and over with consistency and patience

Simple And I’m OUT

If you feel ready to step up your game and try something new (out your comfy zone) then go here to take a trial with us @ our Saffron Walden Studio


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