As it all draws to a close now my friend
Because this morning, for my 6am session, we almost started IN DARKNESS
That’s right… Game of thrones fans holla….WINTER is coming
And it makes me think, because we all say… and I bet you’ve said it yourself somewhere a long the way
that SUMMER is going to be your time to get in shape
you’ll feel epic because it’s warm all the time
You’ll have more day light to work with
You’ll have motivation because of the above
You’ll have more free time to do your workouts, jogs etc
But I’ll tell you what me and you never bargained for
The increased time pressure caused by holidays and the Mrs wanting another tip away
An endless stream of social occasions that make sticking to a diet extremely challenging
HOT weather that makes working out even more of a chore than it is already
Any of these hitting a note with you my friend ?
Just so you know.. I get it, in fact – I succumbed to a COD and Chips last night myself
So it’s ok to feel like this and don’t beat yourself up over it
just find a way to do the best you can in every little situation
and when the going is good and easy – Stick to your plan!
Even more important
Do not become another one of those ‘oh but when this is done’ kind of man
These guys are everywhere – they put off getting in shape and other crucial tasks permanently by always having an excuse at the ready
an excuse they’ve already accepted as fact and a valid one for them to do nothing
Excuses WILL come into your mind, that is inevitable – its up to YOU to find the solution or the way around
Have a great day and let me know if you need anything