Ever been pals with someone on a diet
or maybe your buddy who works out a little bit
you see him filling his chops with a burger and a pint
But no worries, because he said it’s his cheat day
I guess that means if your on a diet you should have a cheat day to right ?
100% wrong young grasshopper
Here’s the kind of people that regularly have a cheat day and don’t gain any weight and still look great
OH – SORRY, if you don’t know what a cheat day is….it’s a day when you chuck healthy living down the bog and eat anything and everything…Yea, it’s just another word for binge eating
So yes, the kind of people who have cheat days and don’t suffer
– Those friends who NEVER get fat despite what they eat and always have a flat stomach
– Natural athletes with great genetics
– Sportsman
– Men who lift weights very regularly and know their stuff inside out
Work down that list flower, how many if those points describe you?
If your the same as me, it’s really not many
and that’s exactly why trying to copy what others do is no good for you
your a special snowflake after all I guess
Instead of binge eating, messing up your relationship with food and feeling so full you just might puke
focus on eating a little bit better, cutting out a few beers and giving up crisps for more than 48 hours
Then you can start eating the right amount and nuking fat off your rig
Don’t cheat on me boss
Have a great day and hit me here for a free trial – https://wolfitness.wufoo.com/forms/z1iyi50h0y7412p/