Hope your having a swell 7 days mate
I can’t work out if this week is going slow or fast!
Anyway, Around this time of year it’s always my ‘anniversary’
Ya.. This marks 4 years of helping men to shape up and improve their lives
I used to sell workouts and training sessions
but the more and more I’ve got into the game and got into the heads of men who struggle to stay consistent at the gym
the more I’ve realised
You already know how to workout
So now, instead of selling burpees at 50p a pop
I sell the package
the accountability to be at the gym REGULARLY so you get results
the motivation to actually rock up when you said you would
the right amount of work to get you results so that you don’t burn time you could spend at home
Great workouts that build strength and muscle…of course, that’s a given
some of this stuff I would never have realised if I wasn’t someone who was happy to drop money on coaching myself
I’ve paid for coaching in business, physio, massage, marketing and cricket… Just in 2018
all this stuff worked for me
Not because they taught me how to split the atom or fly a cat into space
but because they made me do the work
…..And we had fun doing it a long the way
So yeah
When your looking to get coached, look through the workouts, that’s the given part
what is it you really need to help you make this summer the one where you actually feel tricking excellent in your t shirts
TIP – It is not someone to teach you proper Bicep curl form
I remember years ago, when it was hot I HATED picking through my t shirts because I hated how most of them sat on me
It sucks!
I want you to feel super confident about your body and what you’ve achieved
Go hither to get a free trial and chat with us and have a great week -https://www.wayoflifefitness.co.uk/lb-offer/