It’s probably not a prospect you’ve heard before
but here it is for you
you should ALWAYS
no matter what area of your life that we’re talking about
… Work, fitness, health, relationships
You should be trying to get onto NEW GROUND as I like to call it
and it’s a pretty simple concept
it means making progress above and beyond where you have before
Getting to a new level
Taking the next notch up on the ladder
… I don’t mind how you want to see it
This is so important
as men – naturally we are happiest when we have a project to work on
and we can see some progression on said project
really simple
and so it should be obvious
that staying still… making no progress or worse – going backwards
is POISON for your mood and your motivation
this is why, my young grasshopper
as you slip into worse shape
that it actually gets HARDER to find motivation rather than easier
which is a bit of a kick in the nut sack in itself
So take a look at your life right now
across the board
fitness included
what can you do to get onto new ground ?
because that my man – is where the good times are
Have an awesome week and reach out if you need anything