The First Step I Take For Kick Starting Weight Loss. - Wolf

The First Step I Take For Kick Starting Weight Loss.

I wanted to take a break today from my usual banter and give you some concrete information

The main reason I wanted to do that is because next week….

I’ll be ‘doing a diet’

Now, I’ve lost weight a whole ton of times before and I’m pretty good at it even if I say so myself

I actually started this whole Gig nearly 10 years ago when I was FAT and in the end hated it so much I just snapped and went on a mission

I still remember playing video games all day whilst drinking pints of green tea and ice water…. it worked.

I’ve made every stupid mistake there is to make with losing weight and I want to make sure you don’t do the same


What’s the first thing I’ll do to make sure my stomach is getting flatter and the scales are going south?

Remember, No BS in this email, just facts and experience from someone who’s been there and done it.

I’m going to cut my carbs from breakfast

Now don’t go full Dr Atkins on me

All I’m saying is

No toast
No cereal
No orange juice
No Muesli

They are gone

I’ll probably have 3 bacon and 4 eggs with a cup of strong black

^hardly a kick in the balls is it

You will be so surprised how great you’ll feel on a breakfast like this

You’ll fast realise all the ‘carbs for energy’ nonsense was just that… nonsense

I’m talking about losing fat here, not fueling a marathon

Now don’t get me wrong, you can still screw up at lunch and dinner or with snacking

No worries though, I’ll be going through that also as you come on this weight loss charge with me

So, if a flatter stomach, more energy and some bacon sounds like a decent deal to you

you should consider trying this

Steve The WOLF

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