So real talk for you today my old grasshopper
Some really serious bizniz to discuss
As always – you’ll only get it 100% raw from me
You know that right?
This last week or 2, I’ve been feeling pretty low
Pretty down in the dumps
LOW on energy
LOW on motivation
It happens to us all mate
even personal trainers who pretend the whole world is just one big ol beast mode experience
I can tell you for a fact
Most of them are just like you
I certainly experience all the same ups and downs as your good self
I rarely ‘feel like it’ when it comes to exercises
I regularly ‘crave’ junk food (and give in to it sometimes)
I also suffer from low motivation
So what’s the cause of all this s***?
that’s the million bucks question right?
because you can’t cure it until you know what causes it
For me
It’s taking to much on
spreading myself to thin
running around like a dumb tw@ day and night
Not sleeping enough
working to much and not switching off
For you
it might be that
but it might also be
Getting down about the shape your in
Feeling depressed about how unfit you are
Feeling fat in your work clothes
I understand mate
great thing for me and you though?
It’s 100%….. yep that’s 1 0 0 % within our power to change it
right now
and into next year
I’m completely re building my business so I can fix this
it’s massive
What massive action are you going to take to not feel sad and low in energy next year?
Answer that my mate
or get ready for another year of the same
It’s your time
you got this
PS – Not ready? here is 3 ways I can help you out right now for FREE
1- Get More From Me
Have a look here at some of the results we’ve achieved with men just like yourself Then – grab our 24 golden rules for success from the top of the pace
Here – Way Of Life Fitness
And Here – Instagram
2 – Transform Your Life
I’ve Created over 200 short, sharp, impactful videos to help you get started and take the next step
They are, of course, 100% free and you can see them all here – Facebook
3. Find Out More
Just reply to this email with ‘WOLF PACK’ and I’ll send you over some more info about what we do and how we can help you to take the next step to a body transformation