No Dude it’s not the chap from ‘Mo’s Tavern’
Not the guy from the Simpsons who’s always angry
When I talk about MO
I’m actually talking about MO-Mentum
Anyone who’s ever achieved anything
Built a million pound business
Got into unbelievable shape
Became a scratch handicapper
Climbed Mount Everest
you name it
They’ve had momentum going their way at some point
it can’t be tied down to a single thing
more so it’s the culmination of many small actions
and many weekly little ‘wins’ as I like to call them
Let’s use the Business example from above
Week 1
Small actions
Built a brand, created a website, hired 2 team members
Week 2
Small actions
Made 10 sales, created 3 new adverts, talked with 5 new customers
…. Now let me ask you
How do you think week 3 was?
Let’s be honest – chances are it will be STRONG after those first 2 weeks
That’s what momentum is and that’s what you need to work on earning
you won’t just wake up one day
wanting to do it
full of ‘motivation’
and moving in the right direction
you’ve got to earn it with small daily actions.
So what I’d like to ask you right now is
what are the small daily actions that’ll move your body
your life
your energy
in the right direction ?
once you’ve figured them out
you’ll be ready to start
and once you’re ready to start
I’d love to show you how to make it happen
Have a great Day