We Won, Let Me Show You How - Wolf

We Won, Let Me Show You How

Hope you had a good weekend boss

And I hope your actually feeling refreshed after 2 days off and not cooked like me

Because this weekend me and my ‘team’ won the league

In case you didn’t know

I like to spend my Saturdays standing around the local cricket pitch and then trying to hit a few myself as well

We’ve had a great season and no doubt I’ll be getting the odd ‘well done’ for my small contribution to the success

obviously there will be a headline or 2 in the local rag as well

People are going to see the end product and the success

It reminds me a bit of when I put up an epic before and after photo of one of my WOLF pack men, you’ve seen the pictures right?

It looks great, it looks awesome, people want the same thing themselves

They see a happier, fitter and more confident man

You want it!

and I’m sure everyone would love to win the league… I mean you like winning right ?

here’s what you don’t see on the pictures or in the headline

The hours of work that most of the time you just didn’t feel like doing

The discipline of consistency when you’d rather be on the sofa

The resisting of temptation that lurks round every corner

The defeat of old man procrastination – Because wasting time and putting off crucial tasks will hurt you every single day especially if your on a tight schedule

These are the things that you need to master if you want to have a great body that moves well, feels good and lets you move like your 25 again

Nothing to do with how much you can bench press or how many press ups you can do – that’s the easy bit

The hard part – showing up all the time

Just laying it out for you my man and if you have any questions just hit me right up and I’ll help you out


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